Friday, August 29, 2014

Star Trek Phase II

Recently a fellow Star Trek fan dropped by and as we were talking he asked if I had seen any of the Star Trek Phase II episodes on YouTube.  Sadly, I had not so right then and there he sat me down in front of the computer and made me watch an episode.

What I saw just blew me away!  The sets, lighting and costumes were immaculately accurate...looked better than the original series!

  It was a little weird seeing other people portraying Kirk, Spock, etc. but once I got used to it they were actually pretty good.  Chris Doohan, sone of the late James Doohan does a fantastic job of portraying Scotty.

I was really impressed with the overall quality of the production and I highly recommend it.  If you're looking for new stories and episodes Star Trek Phase II delivers.

Live Long & Prosper!

1 comment:

  1. Both the link you have, and the description is to another Fan Film TOS series, Star Trek Continues. You can find detailed discussion of this series here: Star Trek Phase II has many more episodes. I recommend you watch World Enough and Time, You can find many links related to Star Trek Phase II here: . There are many good Star Trek Fan Films (as well as many bad ones). Here are a discussion of a few (but by no means all) of the good ones:
